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Resale FAQ

DedicatedHosting4u Resale Program FAQ

I have just submitted my application to be a DedicatedHosting4u reseller, how long will it take for my resale application to be approved?

The usual turnaround time for applications is 24-48 hours Reseller status is based upon approval by our Sales Management team. This status may be revoked at any time; however, previous sales under a discount will remain discounted. There is no setup fee to join the DedicatedHosting4uResale Program but approval is not guaranteed.

I have many servers hosted with you, may I receive the reseller discount for my own personal servers I have with you, or with servers I resold to only one client?

You are not able to apply the discount to a server you personally use, nor for any services previously purchased. The resale discount is applicable to reseller sale to end-users & other resellers, NOT to services directly used by you in any way. The selling of websites or portions of a dedicated server is NOT considered “resale”, and is ineligible for the resale discount. The reseller discount may not be reto-actively applied to servers you presently have.

What is your refund policy for your resellers?

The same policy is in place for both regular and reseller purchases. DedicatedHosting4uservices do not come with a trial period or money back guarantee. The reason for this is that since DedicatedHosting4uis such a high bandwidth service, if we were to offer such a refund policy, too many individuals will utilize a full month’s service and cancel to avoid the bill. Also, due to the sheer amount of orders DedicatedHosting4ugenerates, we feel our time would be best spent provisioning and providing support for legitimate, long-term clients only. A trial period or money-back guarantee is just not practical due to the amount of time our staff spends on each order/client. The only exception to this would be if DedicatedHosting4uspecifically advertises a sale with such, or adds such a clause to a custom quote or contract.

Regarding the cancellation policy for the resellers, you have mentioned that we have a 3-day grace period for cancellations. Does this mean that if I cancel any new order within this period I’ll get my money back?

The grace period applies only to cancelling services, not newly ordered services. DedicatedHosting4u does not offer services with trial periods or money back guarantee?s unless specifically stated. The 3 day grace period is a courtesy we provide, allowing you to submit your cancellation request up to 3 days into the new billing cycle and not be held financially responsible for the new billing cycle. You may cancel any new order before delivery and will receive a refund. ?

How much can I resell your services for?

You can freely set your own prices and resell our services for whatever price you deem fit. As long as you are paying DedicatedHosting4uthe agreed amount for for resale service, you may price that service to your end user however you see fit. We expect nothing more than what you agreed to pay for the service.

Can I copy your website content or images?

We do not allow resellers to use our content nor images. You are not allowed to copy any of our content or images. Please do not copy our website content or logos in any way that might cause confusion with the DedicatedHosting4ubrand and services directly offered in our product lines. Your sales documents and website should be original and unique to you and should not infringe on DedicatedHosting4ucopyrights/trademarks.

What is the average setup time on dedicated servers and VPS?

Typically, our dedicated services are delivered within 24-48 hours and VPS services are within 30 minutes if Point-Of-Sale criteria are met. Please note that our average turnaround time is 24-48 hours for linux dedicated servers, 24-72 hours for windows dedicated servers (business days only) and half-an-hour for VPS as long as there are no overdue invoices, and any online fraud checks pass without issue. Order delivery is dependent upon the exact service ordered, specifications of the order, day and time of order, and current hardware stock and space availability(…if applicable). Custom specifications usually take longer to fulfill than standard configurations.

If my customer issues a charge back against me am I held financially responsible for that service?

Yes. You are still responsible for the service. As our reseller we charge and collect payments from you directly. You charge and collect payments from your client directly. If your client places a charge back you would be financially responsible if we have delivered you a working service. If our service was found to be not working as ordered, we work with you to resolve any issues as quickly as possible. ?

How often do you update your sale pages and offerings?

We alter our pricing and sales several times throughout he year. Sales offerings are updated periodically based on stock and what we have available. We recommend you check our sales pages frequently for any changes. Please note that present sale prices or price changes are NOT retro-active to services you already have with us.

I currently have one account with you and I would like to create another one, is this possible?

While physically possible, it is not allowed under your contract with us. We do not allow our clients to have more than one account with us. If we discover you possess multiple accounts, we will merge the accounts. Multiple accounts are subject to revocation of your reseller ability and in extreme instances, cancellation of all your accounts.

What happens if I go out of business, can you take my customers over or can I transfer their services to their own account with you?

If you go out of business or for some reason you would like to transfer your client?s service to another reseller or us directly, we are able to assist with the transfer of services.